
Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal services offered in Oviedo, Orlando, Lake Mary and Casselberry, FL

Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself but if you’re ready to remove a tattoo that no longer aligns with your style, you can benefit from the laser tattoo removal services at Orlando Dermatology Center. The board-certified dermatologists have extensive experience using the latest laser technologies to break up tattoo ink pigments. They customize a laser therapy plan to eliminate unwanted tattoos without scarring or other complications. Call the office in Lake Mary, Orlando, Casselberry, or Oviedo, Florida, to schedule a laser tattoo removal consultation or book an appointment online today. 

Laser Tattoo Removal Q&A

What is laser tattoo removal?

Laser tattoo removal is a noninvasive treatment to effectively remove tattoos from your skin without scarring.

The board-certified dermatologists at Orlando Dermatology use the latest laser technologies to remove unwanted tattoos of all sizes and colors with a high level of precision. 

The providers customize a treatment plan to support your aesthetic goals and protect the long-term health of your skin.

When should I consider laser tattoo removal?

You can schedule a laser tattoo removal consultation at Orlando Dermatology Center if you have a single tattoo or multiple tattoos that you no longer want.

The dermatology team uses cutting-edge laser technology to target and break down ink pigments under the surface of your skin without damaging surrounding tissue. They can adjust the power of the laser throughout your treatment to ensure the best possible outcome.

The advanced laser effectively treats all tattoo colors, including dark greens, blues, and blacks, to ensure the best possible treatment outcome. The team’s extensive experience using laser technologies reduces your risk of scarring and other complications.

Laser tattoo removal is noninvasive and requires no downtime after your treatment is complete. The Orlando Dermatology Center team can apply a topical numbing cream to make the process virtually painless, so you can relax throughout your treatment.

How long does it take to see the results of laser tattoo removal?

Depending on the size and location of your tattoo, you may need multiple sessions to remove it. The Orlando Dermatology Center team determines how many treatments you need during your evaluation. These sessions are usually spaced six to eight weeks apart.

It can take some time to see the results of laser tattoo removal. Once the laser breaks down the ink pigments, your immune system needs time to metabolize and eliminate it as waste. You can see the full benefit of your treatment several months after your first laser session.

The board-certified dermatologist provides posttreatment follow-up services to evaluate the results of your laser treatments and ensure your skin is healthy. The team can also recommend high-quality skin care products you can use to keep your skin moisturized after laser sessions.

Call the Orlando Dermatology Center office near you to schedule a laser tattoo removal consultation or book an appointment online today. 









